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India Candidate Referral Program

Find a Match — Check current openings to see if you know anyone who might be a good fit. Be sure to note the Job ID.
Email Recruitment — Send an email with a resume and Job ID to, with a brief explanation why they are a fit for the role.
Get Paid We’ll send you a referral reward of INR 10,000-40,000 after 90 days of successful hire!
Current Openings

Help Us Find Top Talent

Refer the next stellar candidate and everyone wins, including you!

At Solugenix, our growth and success are driven by attracting top talent. We understand that game recognizes game, so our referral program invites team members to help us connect with exceptional professionals.

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At Solugenix, you are shown respect and consideration. Not just as an employee, but as a person. You are given guidance and tools for the road to success. Here we are a big family.

- Joann Sturdevant, Technical Support Rep

Solugenix has invested in me in many ways. I've been HDIC-certified, I've attended multiple off-site seminars, I've been enrolled in leadership development programs, and I'm a member of the Solugenix Toastmasters here in Southern California. 

- Kevin Heunick, Technical Support Representative

The entire team worked together to see it through. Everyone just rolled up their sleeves and completed the task. It wasn't about completing that one project, but creating a lasting culture of positivity and ownership.

- Michael Masushige, Call Center Manager

We truly live the open door policy. Anyone from a new hire to a director knows their idea will be heard and considered if it improves the business for our client. And that's what I love about working for Solugenix. 

- Brian McElfresh, Customer Support Representative

It's a really pivotal moment in your career when you have a client say that they consider you a trusted advisor. And to really see how they rely on our guidance and expertise as they make complex decisions around their roadmaps for digital transformation and how they go to market for their customers. It inspires a lot of pride.

- Tessa Rocha, Director of Solutions Consulting

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